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Disc replacement 2015 07-05-2016 04:44 PM

Glad to hear it! Further relief is just around your corner!

Fathub 07-05-2016 09:48 PM

Hey Tom,
Good to hear from you and to wear out a phrase here.....slow and steady wins the race with the spine surgery. Glad your progressing.

Tom B. 07-13-2016 05:03 PM

Here's an interesting development. It's time for my 90-day follow-up (after 3-level lumbar ADR surgery). I plan to follow up online and via email with Dr. B., but also want to do so locally. At the very least, I need a local doctor for X-rays to send to Germany. And a local doctor will probably do better coordinating my physical therapy.

Texas Back Institute initially told me they would not help me until after 90 days following surgery by an outside doctor. Today, they told me that no surgeon at Texas Back Institute will see me for follow-up. It's against their policy to follow up another surgeon's work. My initial reaction was "WTH?" Is this normal?

Harrison 07-13-2016 09:14 PM

There is no normal or standard. Some US ADR docs are cool with it -- most not. Maybe a 70/30 split? Rough guess.

Tom B. 07-13-2016 11:43 PM

Thanks, Harrison. I wasn't aware of the extent of this issue.

It's just funny that TBI told me to wait 90 days, then, after 90 days, just said no.

I think I understand the legal no-man's-land aspect of medical tourism, and the insurance situation in the US as it pertains to ADR. I can imagine legitimate reasons for a doctor not to recommend overseas medical care and for a surgeon not to want to follow up another doctor's work. It just doesn't seem fair since, from my perspective, I made the right decision for all the right reasons, but don't really want to travel to Europe every time I need an X-ray or coordination with my physical therapist (at TBI, by the way).

It's crazy that it was TBI who told me they couldn't really help me with a three-level operation. Now, this very renowned practice just tells me they still can't help me.

I wonder whether there is some sort of rivalry or bad blood between some surgeons here and those in Europe.

I put a call in to another well-respected spine surgeon in my area, so we'll see.

Tom B. 08-24-2016 06:29 PM

Here's an update for those who are interested.

It's been almost four months since my three-level ADR and almost four weeks without any pain medication. I did go back on gabapentin for a week to ease the withdrawal from the tramadol. So, it's been almost three weeks without any medication whatsoever. Physical therapy is going well.

I followed up with Dr. Gill in Dallas, had a mylegram/CT scan and sent new images to Dr. B. in Germany.

My pain level hardly qualifies as pain - 0 to 1 or 2 on the scale - with occasional ache in the low back. Unfortunately, I still have continuous left leg partial numbness and occasional left leg tightness or ache. There's a little burning sensation in the left ankle with restless-leg symptoms that worsen at night and sometimes keep me awake.

I have a September appointment with a neurosurgeon to try to determine the source of the continuing symptoms. I know nerves take months to heal and was hoping that I just lack patience, but the mylegram shows (as did previous MRIs) a disc protrusion at T12/L1. I think it's likely that this is the source.

Does anyone have thoughts or advice on problems at that higher level?

Harrison 08-24-2016 10:30 PM


Issues at that level are unusual. That said, I had a chiro adjustment and that same level was injured by the chiropractor. After that, I simple hung from a chin-up bar, took ibuprofen and took it easy for several weeks. I lucked out and that area never presented a problem.

Yes, the competition between clinics is obvious and sometimes annoying. But at least there are options and somewhat of a free market...sortuv.

How are you caring for yourself now, in terms of:

- detoxification of your body;
- decreasing meds;
- eating organic;
- moderate exercise, getting muscular relaxation;
- enriching your life with love and energy;
- being in nature;
- etc.!

Tom B. 08-24-2016 10:48 PM

Harrison, thanks for the questions. I probably score about 50% on your list - off medication, eating fairly healthily, physical therapy with daily exercise including walking.

I do seem to be very low on energy. Even though I've been sleeping around eight hours each night, I'm requiring an hour nap every day. Maybe that's just old age, but I wish there was a magic pill. It could be lingering pain medication withdrawal.

My blood pressure has been high lately, too - a new thing for me.

Fathub 08-25-2016 10:00 PM

I've gone through the same things and am still going through the same things. BP is bad for going up in pain and the 'pinched' nerves take time to stop aching......
Exercise (light), walking and more walking.....

Good to hear from you Tom.

beaverc 08-26-2016 04:55 AM

Tom B I read your posts and it sounds like you are doing very well, considering you had a three level ADR and you are off pain meds. so soon. Was your surgery done with both anterior and posterior approaches (cut you front and back?).
I think the big question is why do Americans have to go to Europe to have any reasonable hope for a successful surgery, hence hope for a life after?
Thanks for your postings

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