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Kim 02-28-2006 12:47 AM

HI Everyone
I have been waiting what seems like forever to get a 2 level ADR done. I am interested in the ActivL studies that are going to be done here this year and was hoping they would be taking place this spring. I now find that they have been looks like pushed back til the fall. This is very discouraging for me. I have had to let my massage practice go and am only able to work part time from home on my computer for a company and am thankful for that opportunity! However my pain levels are getting worse and I dont want to wait any longer than necessary to keep down the possibility of things getting worse and maybe not be a candidate for ADR if I wait too long.
I am doind some research and am getting ready to have my stuff looked at by Dr B and hopefully Dr Yue as well to see what they recommend. Next comes how do I pay for the surgery if I decide to go that route and go to Germany to get it done, this nonwithstanding how do I leave my children for 2 weeks and my home etc? I know I will be able to work out leaving for 2 weeks if absolutely necessary but that would not be my choice! I feel however my choices are becoming more limited each day I sit here in pain.
OK I am long winded and please forgive me for being so. What I would like to know from those of you who have either had the surgery or are working on the financing part of it, how did you do this? I know several I have talked to have either taken out a home equity line or refinanced their home and this is an option for us, however I would like to look at other options as well if they are open.
Anyone here done any creative fund raising or obtained funds from other sources to pay for your surgery?
I would love to hear from you if so. Feel free to PM me as well if you would like concerning this.
Thanks in advance this group has kept me sort of sane lol for the past year plus!

Alastair 02-28-2006 06:23 AM

Hi Kim,
I can only tell you what I've seen your fellow USA citizens do over the last two to three years and a lot of them have remortgaged their homes sold cars and trucks and all sorts.

Obviously it's not for any of us to say what you should do, -- -- -- this is just what I have seen in the past and I'm sure you'll get some more helpful suggestions.

For those who might feel embarrassed putting on the board how they raise the money, the e-mail facility and PM facility are there to help.

PS sitting at computers does not help back pain, are you able to speed things up say with a voice operating system?

Kim 02-28-2006 06:25 PM

Thanks Alastair this is the sort of thing I am looking for and thought it might even be of help to others in the same boat I am in as well. Yes please feel free to email or PM me as I stated if you are uncomfortable posting publically I would love to hear from anyone that can help with this.
No sittin at the puter is not great but much easier than massage therapy was on my back and I am fortunate that I work when I want and can get up and stretch when I need to.
Thanks again

Harrison 02-28-2006 08:19 PM


I think Bill is one of the more creative members here...he has a wildly creative and successful tale to tell. I would not be surprised if we see him on TV some day!

I am happy to chat Saturday AM to help you think...excuse the Dilbert expression....outside the box.

PS: See the Big Bucket, where this post was moved to (insurance, payment, etc.)

letteski 02-28-2006 09:19 PM


How about a bake sale�.OK we would have to sell a lot of cookies but look at it this way if every member (682 now) was to raise $50 we could raise $34.100. It is not an impossible task and if we could find a way to become non-profit donation could be tax deductible. A scholarship fund could be developed to help other in your same situation.

Harrison lets talk about this I have a lot of experience in raising money for my Special Ed kids and Kim is very special to me.

Alastair 03-01-2006 05:53 AM

There was a discussion on a board about starting a fund for those who had probs getting funding from their country -- - I`m not sure but there can be legal problems depending which country you are in - - plus TAX!! Thats always there

Anyone remember this??

Mariaa 03-01-2006 10:20 AM

Isn't there a way to work around taxes with charitable contributions?

03-01-2006 01:02 PM

I would think one financing structure that could be considered would be to form a Section 501(c)(3) charitable organization. We are a global society, so I can only comment on the US part of the transaction. US citizens could contribute money to this organizationn and in some cases receive an itemized tax deduction. I assume all of us could contribute to the organization without any adverse tax consequences. Of course the problem is the cost of running the organization (e.g. the staff, office expenses and the board).

However, a model that currently exists is the Habitat for Humanity model. In that case, funds are used to construct houses (in our case loans to needy patients for surgery). The homeowner/patient then repays the borrowed monies, on a non-interest bearing basis, back to the fund. The fund is a perpetual fund, in the sense, that as long as everyone repays their mortgage, there are additional funds to construct more houses. Of course the loans are secured by the homes. Loan terms are designed to assist the borrower to qualify for the house - 20 to 30 years in length.

The medical model could work in a similar fashion. A nominal interest rate would probably have to be charged to pay for administration of the loans and loan defaults. Loan terms would probably have to be shortened and forms of security obtained (e.g loans against assets). But this would be one vehicle that potentially could provide funding for those in need. Of course, what about those without assets to pledge to get such loans?

Kim 03-01-2006 02:59 PM

Thanks to everyone that has commented so far. Harrison and Paulette I would like to talk to you guys further and see what we can brainstorm and figure out. How do you guys want to talk? Phone? IM? I am up for it. Let me know

Juli 03-01-2006 04:41 PM

One thing I was able to do was save up as I had about 8 months advance notice. I was able to save my tax return and a couple of hundred dollars every month. I had saved up about 7000 dollars that way between me and my significant other. Then I refinanced my house as the interest rate had dropped and cashed out about 15K and borrowed a little bit more from my 401K to cover the rest of my expenses. They do take
credit cards too, for the most part, so if you aren't already maxed out that is another option.

I was lucky though, as I usually do get a big tax return and I also dropped the amount to the minimum to get my company match that I put into my 401k and saved that money each month too.

I had just purchased a new car before I found out about ADR and the associated costs and had considered trading it in for an el cheapo car until I could get my finances together.

Just a couple more ideas, everyone's situation is so different. As far as your kids, I guess it helps if you have family/friends to fall back on. Maybe they could spend a few days with some of their friends each. My mother who is semi-retired went with me to NY for 10 days while my partner stayed at home with our daughter. It is not easy but I guess we all have to get out of our comfort zone some as this is still not a fully accepted surgery here in the U.S.

Good luck!

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