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Dledezma 03-18-2011 02:27 PM

Newbee to the group..
My name is Danielle, Im 35 and have had severe back pain since 2007. I have done PT, acupunture, facet injections,steroid injections......

In September of 2010 I had a L3-L4, L4-L5 discectomy. I had a very hard time recovering from this and had alot of nerve pain.

I have:
DDD L-3 down thru S1, I have very little if any disk space on all levels. Through the years I have had many mri's and cat scans as well as injections several times a year. All tests showing some slow change as time progressed.
2/2011: Discography was positive, mri and ct scan show tearing and leaking in the disk that is there and nerves are inflamed. My spine doctor is amazing but says I need a multiple level (3) disc replacement. Im taking Avinza daily and percocet as needed. I stay comfortable but have alot of left hip pain .

Im very nervous about this, confused on the insurance and just overwhelmed and tired of having to take RX. I would love any advice on how you decided to go thru with the surgery ect... I have an appointment April 18, 2011 to see Dr. Delamarter in California.

srajan0929 03-18-2011 03:30 PM

gosh danielle. i am in the same boat as you. exactly the same complications. L4-S1 2 level disectomy and now again having flare ups and unable to sit even more than 10 minutes. i dont consider that a life. im waiting to get a disc with all the mri pictures in it and i will send it over to the folks in cali soon. good luck with ur back

jss 03-21-2011 08:43 AM


What a terrible story! I have read many posts from patients that have used Dr Delamarter, but I have never read an unkind word of him. I believe that you will be in the hands of one who is among the best of the best.

You have had discectomies at L3/4 and L4/5? As your doctor believes that you are a candidate for a triple lumbar ADR, they obviously didn't do an interbody fusion. Did they remove only the nucleus? Or only the part of the annulus that was bulging?

If Dr Delamarter does not contra-indicated you for multilevel ADR, I would encourage you to consider that procedure. I have read that it tends to be an easier recovery than a multilevel fusion.

Good luck, Jeff

Harrison 04-18-2011 09:11 PM

Danielle, what's the latest? How did your appointment go today? Are you OK?

Dledezma 04-26-2011 02:45 PM

Visit to LA with Delemarter
My visit to LA was not what I expected, I'm more confused than ever. Dr. Delemarter did say the same as the other two doctors here in Denver. Dr. Petine and Dr. Ghiselli. I need a multi level ADR and a fusion at L5-S1.

However after being in the office in LA 3 hours because they forgot we were there and then spending maybe 10 min with my husband and I, I just dont feel comfortable with him. I would have to be away from my family for 2 weeks. So, does anyone know anything about Ken Petine here in Loveland Colorado? Any info would be very helpful.

Im having to take so much RX, Im getting scared with my options and how quickly things seem to be getting worse.

Jstuckey 04-26-2011 03:57 PM

Sorry for your bad experience.

If it helps any, I have the same recommendations. Scheduled for L5-S1 fusion and L3-4, L4-5 ADR with surgery in September. Would be happy to share any info to date. Don't have any insights on the other side of the surgery fence yet, though.

annapurna 04-26-2011 08:03 PM

I can't help you with Petine but one of the original trial docs for the Charite trial was in the greater Denver area. I can't remember his name but he might be another resource for you if you don't want to travel.

Harrison 04-26-2011 08:54 PM

Danielle, there are quite a few experienced spine docs in your back yard, some of whom I have met personally. I cannot speak to their surgical skills, but doctor David Wong is in Denver, as is Dr Michael Janssen. I can review my notes more carefully later this week for you.

You had to travel to the office, experience a 3 hour wait for a ten minute appointment? No wonder this treatment did not inspire confidence! I think you'll have better luck elsewhere...that's my hope.

annapurna 04-26-2011 10:05 PM

Thanks, Rich. Dr. Wong was the Charite trial surgeon I was thinking of.

tnt136913 04-26-2011 11:00 PM

danniele ,, just be sure , and time will not hurt your spine any more, i had a 360 fusion in 2000, at the botom two disc , then a plif atL3 L4 , and now that level has failed or in there words absorbed ,,, lost disc space, now i am faceing a very risky L3 L4 alif fusion , because of all scar tissue from the prior surgerys,, i wish i would of never let them touch me , i was in pain before but nothing like the pain i have had since surgery in 2000,

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