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Janie 12-08-2004 04:58 AM

Hey all
Just thought it would be good to have some experiences into what has helped other ADR patients
Such as excercise (Pilates Yoga)Gym
Any nutritional tips,eg Vitamins/Diet
Tips for travelling ( can only dream)
Meditation/Mind strenght we all have to have it anything that has helped!!!!!!!!
I'm just nearly 8 weeks out post/op charite L5/S1 have been doing physio since 4 weeks and walking and hydro pool on and off because incision keeps opening
Although I'm certainly not pain free ,can feel some improvement in my walking and sleep so just hoping the nerve and back pain settles
My surgery was longer than expected because of the calcified disc stuff and because it was all out at the back and on the nerve (hello new that )But believe my Doctor did his best and I will do mine
It would be great to get some physiotherapists on board
Gee I don't want much Huh?
PS This site is the best
Best wishes

mmglobal 12-08-2004 05:24 AM

Janie... look to see if you have Gyrotonics in your area. I did it at the AlphaKlinik and it was very helpful. I also did a course of it in Los Angeles a few months ago.... Excellent system! I highly recommend it.


Alastair 12-08-2004 06:15 AM

There is a whole stack of stuff in the FAQ`s about post surgery

Harrison 12-08-2004 08:13 AM

Janie, we have a lot in common -- not the least of which is hardware! I am 6 months post-op and doing great. I've done it all and it "all" helps! Tai Chi, stretching, weights, walking...

I would love to get a PT on board here. Perhaps we'll recruit one!

Janie 12-08-2004 03:38 PM

Thanyou for your replies
I will find out if anyone knows about Gyrotonics !!!
Did not find any more answers for post surgery in FAQS
Best wishes

Harrison 12-08-2004 04:43 PM

Finding the FAQs can be a bit confusing. You can want to access the ones in the main area; the ones in the upper right are about the entire board itself.

There are a few in there, but we def. need more...

Alastair 12-09-2004 06:09 AM

Yes use the "Hop To" function at the bottom of the page

Harrison 12-09-2004 08:44 AM

Janie, I just reread your first reply and I am sorry I missed this the first time -- your incision keeps opening?! Please explain a little bit more, I hope that it's getting better?!

Janie 12-09-2004 02:58 PM

Hey Harrison
My incision looked great till just after Doctor saw it about 41/2 weeks and then opened in the middle apparently I healed to quickly at the opening(top) and inside had not so it opens to align it's self
This week have gone on to some strong antibiotics to get it to heal ASAP(don't want infection) I'm missing the pool and believe it helps (especially when it's sitting in your back yard to temp
And it's summer in OZ and HOT
Best wishes

Harrison 12-11-2004 09:15 AM

Janie, stay away from the pool (AKA germ nursery) until you weeks past healing. The thought of this makes me cringe...

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