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Old 07-27-2013, 05:34 AM
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TPatti TPatti is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 491

Assembly line also=NO - The european doctors are implanting many more discs per week because they are not doing as many fusions.

I just had surgery with Dr. Bierstedt, $31,000 euros for surgery plus about $2,000 eros for hotel and all meals for myself and supporting partner and you still have to add airfare.

This includes 7 days of rehab after 6 day hospital stay. PT starts in hospital as well 1 day after surgery. Once you are at the Medicos facility for rehab a typical daily schedule (tweaked for each individual) would include:
(all 30 min. sessions)
- lymph node massage
- 2 massages
- PT in gym, yes you do start using weights on your upper body in a manner to start strengthening your core right away!
- OT
- visit with the nurse for check up, blood draws when needed and wound care with bandage change
- visit with doctor to monitor pain managent, monitor indicators from blood draw including checking CRP levels as possible indicators for any infection before white cell level would change

I think for the care I received here in Germany(still here until next Wed.) you would be hard pressed to find a comparable price in the US!

I wish I could bring the doctor that I meet here on a daily basis home to be my primary! I love our country, but we have a lot to learn about spinal surgery and the rehab that is needed afterward for success. Then even if we want to provide the right treatment we will have to get the insurance companies to fork over the money so patients receive the care needed.
Harrison, I know that you are still a strong supporter to stay in the US, but if you had had the surgical experience that I am taking part in right now I think your opinion could possibly change.
*9/10: Unstable pelvis & SI joint, sore IT band. Chiro care, I would shift out hours to days after adjust
*12/10: PT & chiro
*4/11 to 11/11: 5 sessions prolo and 3 prolo w/ PRP
*12/28/11 ESI L L4/L5 - 1/13/12 ESI R L4/L5 - 1/24/12 L SI joint capsule - 3/8/12 TPI - 3/23/12 L L5/S1 - 4/11/12 ESI caudal - 5/23/12 TPI - 7/10/12 Facet inj L3/L4, L4/L5, L5/S1
*9/12/12: 30 - DRX9000
*12/21/12 schedule. for L4/L5 fusion-CANCELLED 1/7/13
*7/16/2013: 3 level M6(S1-L3) w/ Dr. Bierstedt
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