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Old 03-16-2017, 12:10 AM
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Default Mobility/flexibility after ADR


I have been going through this site for quite some time now and I would like to thank everyone here for making this journey easier.

Quick facts about me (if you don't want to waste time reading the background, please skip to "my questions" section ):
-27 years old
-133 lbs, 5ft 7" tall
-I had a car accident 10 years ago. My low back problems started then
-last year I had my first MRI; DDD L4-S1 with a few bulges and some facet arthritis at same levels (all "mild" according to the radiologist)
-Disk heights are still considered "adequate"
-I have attached an image of my most recent MRI
-I havent had any surgery procedures or injections as I an conviced they are all just a band aid and ultimately don't do any good
-I have also noticed some problems with my neck but not bad enough to start doing something about it
-My problems are focused on my low back: dull, achy pain, stiffness, loss of mobility and flexibility. Bending to put my shoes on or pick something up off the floor is nearly impossible (not so much bc of pain but because I have lost so much mobility)
-Trying to improve my core strength and flexibility/mobility, I began practicing yoga but it actually sent me into 4 straight months of horrible sciatica on both legs.
-Sciatica problems have resolved after 3 months of PT. Now I keep pain at bay with mild cardio and core strengthening exercises (not taking anything for pain).
-I can foresee my back problems getting worse (as they are not getting any better with time), so I have started to look into ADR surgery
-Although I am not in excruciating pain, I am mild-moderately limited. I have had to put my nursing career on hold due to this.

My Questions:

-for those who have recovered from surgery, has your mobility come back? meaning; are you able to bend, reach, twist without pain or major mechanical stiffness?
-How much pain are you on a "good day" and a "bad day"?
-Do you ever regret getting surgery (fusion or ADR), please keep it real?
-Due to my age and overall good health, would it be wise to "ride it out" and buy some time until I can go no more before I start considering surgery?
-I am terrified that if I go the ADR route now my problems won't be improved, and that if I wait too long my problems will be too bad that surgery won't fix anything

Thank you all for reading and for providing your honest opinion
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27 years young
It all started with a car accident in 2007
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