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Old 06-25-2008, 11:15 AM
Oouucchh Oouucchh is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 16

Hi Everyone, I am now almost 7 weeks into my recovery from a one level C5/C6 ADR. I am wondering if I can get some input on the recovery process? I was doing great initially, I even went out of town the day after my surgery. I am not saying that I did this easily but just the fact that I was able to do it at all was pretty miraculous. I have never worn a collar. I made continuous progress right away but did notice that the shoulder and upper arm pain was still there. I stayed pretty active after my surgery. My throat was uncomfortable at first. I had the pain between my shoulders that I have already seen you guys mention. When I went to my 2 week eval I told the doc I was getting better day by day and doing great. For the next 2 weeks I seemed to just stop getting better, and then for the past 2 weeks I actually feel somewhat worse. Where I had been pretty active again, I started feeling like I was in too much pain again to go out and enjoy myself. I called the doc and saw his surgical assistant last Thursday. He did my second set of x-rays since the surgery and the ADR still looks great. He says that I still have a lot of inflammation. He said that it could also be because of my age. I am 49. he said that the ADR actually creates more range of motion than my neck was used to for my age. He gave me some anti-inflammatories called Meloxocam 7.5 mg to take for 2 weeks. I am currently one week into that and not seeing much difference that I can measure. He said that if this doesn't work that we can try facet injections? And if that doesn't work then we will do another MRI. I am wondering what you guys think? On the one hand I tell myself that I have had major surgery and it just takes time but then on the other hand I was expecting to be better than I am now. I currently still have a pretty uncomfortable throat, pain in back of neck, between shoulder blades, into right shoulder and upper arm, some slight burning across the right side of my head (inner ear like), occasional headaches and just still hurts to hold my head up too long. I have spent the past week at home mostly because my family thinks that I am maybe just pushing too hard but I don't see that making a difference either. I would appreciate any input you may have for me!! Thanks, nettie
Neck problems started in 11/07. Herniated disc C5/C6. 6 weeks phys therapy. Severe shoulder/ arm pain. 4 injections. ADR surgery 5/9/2008 C5/C6. Pain worsens. 15 months later, 2 MRIs, a myelogram, 8 facet type injections, 3 months phys therapy, every drug, 12 doctors. Finally a DR. to say ADR put in incorrectly and disc itself mechanically failed. Back to surgery on 8/11/09 for a fusion. Hope this IS the answer. Will let you know.
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