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Old 06-25-2008, 06:00 PM
Dave C Dave C is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 153


I am 3 weeks out from a two-level cervical ADR. There are times I feel great but more often than not I’m run down at the end of the day. I started getting shoulder pains about a week ago and actually stepped up my pain meds. I saw my surgeon on Monday and he told me that the first few weeks I would see great improvement but I would also hit some brick walls. He put it like this “I just cut you open, moved stuff around, stretched your neck, chiseled you vertebrates, put in foreign material and put you back together. You are going to hurt for a while.” I will take this pain any day over what I was living with for countless years.

Take it slow and easy and you will heal in due time. It has been tough for me to slow down, but I know it is just temporary.

Take care of yourself. There is only one of you.

Diagnosed with DDD in Nov, 2007. MRI, EMG
C3/4 C4/5 C5/6 C6/7
Surgery 06.04.08--C5/6 and C6/7 with Prodisc was a success.
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