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Old 07-20-2005, 08:27 PM
Dale S Dale S is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 236


I have found that different specialists, ob's vs. ortho's, etc., know far too little about other specialties. Your ob may not realize how little or how much stress your new back can take. During the last trimester, the lumbar curve of your back is magnified. I would think your adr surgeon would be the goto guy in instance.

But there is something else that you might want to consider. Carrying a baby on your hip also puts stress on your back. Older babies can weigh 25-30 lbs, or more and toddlers even more than that. Though you can change positions as often as necessary, just ask anyone who's been there. I would also discuss alternative ways of carrying a baby with your surgeon, like the use of a harness that distributes the baby's weight more evenly.

Whatever you decide, a baby is still a miracle, as is a grand-baby. (If you're serious about doners, and though I don't know him personally, I would stay away from Rein ha-ha) Unfortunately, babies grow up to be teenagers.... I can attest to the current definition for a 16 year old. It's the terrible 2's, multiplied by 8 with a driver's license. (Are you sure you want to do this) I firmly believe that my children are my mother's way of getting even... and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.

I wish you all the luck

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