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Old 05-29-2009, 10:26 AM
Maddie Maddie is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 138

Prayers on their way, Mark.

For some, the injections work amazingly well. For me, the first two worked only marginally, and then the next bunch not at all. I should have stopped trying much sooner, but the doctor and I were optimistic.

I did find that acupuncture helped a great deal, but I think it concerned the muscles around my discs. Unfortunately, I had to drive for an hour to get to this fellow, and that ended up erasing all the benefits.

A Tens machine also helped, along with ice, but these are all temporary measures when the pain medication couldn't keep up. These were the only alternate therapies that had any effect for me.

I quickly had to jump to large amounts of narcotics as I had too many sensitivities to most medications.

We are here to help talk you through all this. Just keep posting
C3/4-5/6- Mod. ant., severe posterior bulging w. nerve root compression. Sev. narrowing of spinal canal with cord compression.

L4/5/S1- Mod. narrowing, bulging disc, significant hypertrophy of flava lig.

Highly allergic to all metals.

NEW: 3/16/2010: Successful surgery in Brazil w. Dr. Pimenta; Nuvasive NeoDisc at C5/6, and XLIF & ALIF at L4/5/S1 w. PEEK cages. No rods, screws, plates. Non-metal lumbar ADR not available at present time, so went with fusion.
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