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Old 06-23-2009, 05:30 AM
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steve55 steve55 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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Default Im very dissapointed with many people here

Im sorry, but I have become incredibly frustrated in getting anyone to send me proof of their insurance coverage. There are two board members here in particular who have LONG AGO promised to fax or email me their proof , whatever proof they have of the insurance covering their procedures. Some did not have a formal insurance approval letter , but still, I advised them its ok, Ill take whatever they have. Both people seemed gracious and wanting to help, and said they will get it to me shortly. That was about 2 months ago. I followed up and got a reply from one member about 1 month ago saying he would send it. Still, another month pases and no reply to my follow up email and nothing 2 months later. I never got jack from either of these folks. And Harrison knows who they are. Sure, maybe they are busy with jobs etc, but so busy that they cant simply fax or email it? Am I to wait 6 months then? Hell, they probably just forgot about me because ITS NOT IMPORTANT TO THEM!!! Well folks, its VERY important to us who are battling with the evil insurance co's. Please think about others! Dont allow yoruself to forget and blow us off.

Then there's one former board member who as kind enough to come through for me early on, but he is unwilling to let me send it to Richard so that Richard can help others who could benefit from this. This individual asked that I only give out his email on a case by case basis. As much as I appreciate this individual sharing it with me, it also pisses me off that this person is being stingy with sharing their approval that can help others. It completely ASTOUNDS me. ON the other hand, a member here , Gary Morse, was actually excited at the idea that I send his approval letter to Richard so Richard can disperse it throughout the community. This is a man who cant wait to help people, we need more people like him.

But Seriously, help me out here. WTF is anyone worried about by sharing their approvals? Its sheer paranoiya to think crazy things like that insurance is going to ask for the money back just because he/she is sharing their approval. I can understand if this person is still going through appeals, but other than that, I dont get it.

Then one lady I met had a approval she got from another lady, it was a Aetna multi level approval, EXACTLY what I needed! I sent her the one multi level approval I had but she did not reciprocate. She said "I promised this lady I would not share with anyone else without her permission". Well, as it truns out, this original lady is long gone and can no longer be reached, her email is no longer valid. I guess I can understand that she "gave her word", but then it all goes back to what the hell is wrong with people that they are so freakin scared and paranoid to share their approvals. YOU'RE MAKING THE INSURANCE COMPANIES WIN WHEN YOU DO THIS!!!!

Come on people!! We are here to help each other out. Right? Who here has had a ADR approval and not shared it with RIchard yet? SHAME on you if you havent! Richard has asked for these for quite a while now. Ive sent Richard all I have so far, so Ive done my part.

Again, why are we all so cowardice and selfish with sharing our approvals. It pisses me off. Maybe someone can convince me Im overreacting. Please do.Im not one to get upset or blow their top, but the sheer selfishness and lack of compassion to help others is beyond me . And please dont say "My insurance co might ask for the money back" or " Its personal" , PERSONAL MY ***!!!!!!!! Cross out your social security number if necessary. I havent heard one dam case of insurance asking for money back due to sharing approvals ior someone's ID getting stolen because their approval letters were floating around. Give me a break! Its lame *** excuses of paranoid people.


We bitch about insurance co's winning , its because we dont band together to fight them. Its insane!!

Nuff said
4/08- DDD at C5/6 & C6/7 & bulging discs. C5/6 portrusion.

6/08- Disco results- C6/7 painful, C5/6 popping sounds

7/08- Plasma disc decompression-significant relief obtained

11/08- pain returned to almost pre surgical levels

1/09 -Disco w/ Dr Ziglar shows C5/6 & C6/7 painful-2 level ADR recommended

2/26/09 - c4-c7 ADR Prodisc Nova with Dr Bertagnoli. 100% Success but need C6/7
ADR revision due to subsidence.

Last edited by steve55; 06-23-2009 at 05:58 AM.