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Old 01-26-2012, 07:20 PM
Sandy123 Sandy123 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 37

I know, it seems to take forever sometimes. The price Dr. Clavels office gave me was in dollars. I'm waiting to hear from Dr. Pimenta who is in San Diego at the NuVasive headquarters. I just sent my cd's out on Monday which they should have received yesterday or today. So I'm hoping to hear back anytime now. Dr. Pimenta is my first choice in surgeons so I hope he ok's me. If not I might be interested in the M6 disc but wow, Dubai is way out there and kind of scary too. I would hate to be the first one to go there. I like to hear about other's who have went before me to hear their experience. Which is why this site is so great!
Keep us informed what's going on with you. Maybe we will get our surgerys around the same time and we can share "on the other side". It is scary for sure. I'll let you know as soon as I hear back.
1994 - Fused A/P from T3 to L4 with THRS rods (13 discs) Terrible operation at 38 years old
1996 - Rods taken out.
2011 - DDD L4/L5 significant degenerative changes L sided disc protrusion with foraminal encroachment, not central narrowing., L5/S1-mild disc bulging without foraminal narrowing.
2011 - right sided transforaminal injection for sciatica and it worked, yeah!
2011- Scheduled for 2 ADR's with Dr. Rajakumar/India but cancelled until Feb. or March.
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