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Old 02-01-2012, 08:49 PM
Sandy123 Sandy123 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 37

srajan, hi how are you feeling since your operation? Did your infection go away? I hope you feel better.
What happened or what went wrong with your friend operation? It's always interesting to hear what type of things go wrong with adr. There is always risk, thats for sure.
1994 - Fused A/P from T3 to L4 with THRS rods (13 discs) Terrible operation at 38 years old
1996 - Rods taken out.
2011 - DDD L4/L5 significant degenerative changes L sided disc protrusion with foraminal encroachment, not central narrowing., L5/S1-mild disc bulging without foraminal narrowing.
2011 - right sided transforaminal injection for sciatica and it worked, yeah!
2011- Scheduled for 2 ADR's with Dr. Rajakumar/India but cancelled until Feb. or March.
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