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Old 12-25-2012, 01:23 PM
adrigail adrigail is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 107

I do have Cigna. So you're telling me that I'm going to get denied on the cervical appeal? I actually will find out on Thursday, the 45 day appeal period ends on Weds.
If your information is correct that a Lumbar Specialist heads the board, I might take a little issue with that.
The only thing in my favor is that my Company self-insures and "allegedly" all appeals go to a review by an independent reviewer who makes a decision separately from Cigna. Guess we'll see if that's true.

2006-2011 Chiro, epidural steroids, nsaids, PT for L4-5 bulge/annular tear
April 25th 2012 35MPH rear end collision, blows out L4-5 and ADDS a tear in C4-5
Cancelled ADR to continue conservative therapies
April 10th 2013: Insurance re-approved and I'm scheduling lumbar ADR for end of the month!
*schedule* ADR Prodisc L April 29th 2013
5-2-2013 ADR using Prodisc L
7-10-2013 New MRI on neck. Surgeon DOES NOT recommend ADR for Cervical.

"I'll be your Huckleberry"
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