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Old 08-19-2008, 11:51 AM
ERvet ERvet is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 73

Chuck: Unless I am completely confused, which I do not discount, I'm not certain I have started the "appeals" process.....I requested the surgery, they said no, doctor sent a "but" letter, and they said no. That is all the further it has progressed. I have no intention of dropping everything right now to have surgery, even if they did say yes (those other body parts are screaming much louder right now...). Even Prodisc told me it would be better if I waited until I was ready to actively pursue surgery. I have no intention of letting them this point it is a strategic withdrawal! Gathering more ammunition, recharging my phaser banks, and perfecting my cloaking device. So, I'm still in the game. I come from a long line of stubborn people!!

hx of r-sided radicular pain (2003)
5yr+ of chiro, massage, ESI, SI jt injx, PT
2006 L4-5-S1 hemi, no relief
2007-RF @L5-S123, 2mo relief
2008-disco pos @L5-S1, +/-L4-5
Waiting as long as poss for ADR, considering biacuplasty
Don't even ask about the other ortho sx!
New onset left-sided pain Nov 08
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