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Old 04-27-2012, 11:48 AM
ottob ottob is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 5
Default prodisc-l for L4-L5 toasted disk


I am new here and had a few questions. If i have overlooked other posts, please just direct me to the answers if they are available.

I have been diagnosed with a leaking disk (L4-L5). also mild disk bulge on the other side of the same disk. This was discovered thru a diskogram.

My surgeon has suggested i replace the disk with a prodisc-l.

My questions are as follows:

1) is there place that houses the actual results of clinical studies comparing the outcomes of a prodisc-l and a regular fusion? (for say just 1 disk replaced)
2) what are the clinical outcomes with the prodisc-l and fusion 5 and 10 yrs out?
3) what are the clinical risks (documented with numbers) of prodisc-l VS. fusion.

Now for the general stuff:

4) why do people chose one or the other procedure?
5) if something goes wrong, cant the prodisk-l be fused around? Or is that just not that practical?
6) anyone have a name of a Surgeon in the Chicago area who has a proven track record for the fusion and prodisk-l?

7) is there a 'better' (outcome -wise) device available?

Thanks so much for you time.......i look forward to any replies!!!!!

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