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Old 08-15-2006, 05:26 AM
Alastair Alastair is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 2,391

PainSupport eNewsletter

Coming to Terms with Pain

When people say 'accept your pain', or 'learn to live with it', we may resist the idea, not know how to go about it - or even understand what it means!

Acceptance is not the same as inaction or giving in, acceptance of your situation, just as it is, will allow you to move on from the past and live more peacefully with the world, and yourself. It will allow you to find the best way to help yourself. Here are some tips on learning to accept and come to terms with your pain and any changes in your life:

Let go of the past, it cannot be changed. Concentrate instead on enjoying what you do have and can do, even though it may be different from before.

There is always something that you can do to help yourself. Nothing stays the same for ever, change is the essence of life.

Make a list of all the good things in your life - and read it every day, particularly at night, before you go to sleep.

When things are bad, just 'float' through the day, not pressurising yourself in any way.

Talk to people, whether friends, family or a counsellor. Be open and honest about how you truly feel.

Give yourself plenty of interesting occupations and arrange plenty to look forward to, no matter how small. Even small 'treats' like the occasional chocolate or special drink, candlelit bath or a massage will bring some enjoyment and anticipatory pleasure to your life.

Make the best of your life, welcome all the good things already in your life and look forward to those that will come your way.

Enjoy and make the very best of every day.

Be at peace with yourself and the world around you.

Some Affirmations

Affirmations (positive statements) really can work. Try some of these affirmations (or make up your own) as they will help you to come to terms with your pain. Say them to yourself often during the day and they will gradually come true for you.

'I release thoughts of the past that has gone and the future that has yet to come.'

'I take one day at a time and concentrate on what I am doing now.'

'I accept the negative feelings and thoughts and let them pass through my mind without spending time on them. I let them go.'

'When I accept my situation I free my attention to attend to what needs to be done.'

TOOL KIT - If you liked this idea why not keep it in your Tool Kit notebook or folder of self-help pain relief methods. If you haven't started one yet, why not keep a special notebook or folder as your Tool Kit to remind you of techniques and skills for coping with pain. Your Tool Kit is especially useful when pain flares up. It will help prevent panic and fear and give you constructive ideas to focus upon.


Do not let your years slip through your fingers by living in the past, nor in the future. By living your life one day at a time, you live all the days of your life.

- - Author Unknown



Housework can’t kill you,
But why take the chance?

- - Phyllis Diller


Keep smiling!

I hope you find the above ideas useful.
Jan at PainSupport
ADR Munich 26th July 2002 L5/S1. Aged 82 now
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