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Old 11-16-2004, 04:45 AM
Alastair Alastair is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 2,391

Typical sequence for ADR at the alphaklinik
A typical sequence for ADR at the alphaklinik is, to arrive on the Wednesday at Munich and settle into your hotel and tell the alphaklinik you have arrived.

A Tip Here, if you book your hotel through the AK they get you "Special Cheap Rates".

On the Thursday attended the alphaklinik in the morning for medical checkup prior to surgery. This will usually consist of arriving there at 10 a.m. and staying there for various checks right through to 4 p.m.. You will meet the anaesthetist, have blood checks and x-rays, maybe your discogram done, if this has not been done previously. It is on this day that you meet Dr Zeegers, discuss your x-rays and anything further that might be of concern or consequence. You will be measured for your body corset at this time, and this will be ready for you immediately after your operation.The last thing they give you is a self administered Ennama to do in your Hotel at night, that night, prior to surgery the next day.

Friday, arrive at the alphaklinik about 9 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. you go into a small cubicle, put all your clothes (do not take valuables) into a locker and put on your operating gown. You are then lead onto a trolley where you can relax, and prior to surgery. They will prepare you for surgery. You will have a needle placed in your hand or arm in case of the necessity for blood transfusion, but this is purely insurance. They used this particular needle to give you part of the anaesthetic and any antibiotics should you need them plus of course you're anti blood clotting injections. (These are topped up from time to time at the clinic by a very fine needle injection in your thigh).

Later you wake up on a trolley from the operating theatre, you are asked to walk to your room a matter of maybe 10 to 15 yds. you are of course accompanied by a nurse and the person who is with you in Germany.

Having been in the hospital Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, there is a good chance that you will leave on Monday and go back your hotel -- -- -- walking, or maybe in the hospital shuttle which is driven by Hans and you will be wearing your corset.

Whilst at your hotel the first three or four days, I would suggest that you take things easy but keep moving. Subsequent days stretch your abilities a little bit more, you will find it very difficult if not impossible to touch your toes lace up shoes, or if female put on stockings or tights.

There are lots of nice cafes and restaurants, which are modestly priced, as usually your hotel cost is just for bed-and-breakfast. Do not over exert yourself and certainly try not to get too far distance from your hotel. You get a "bounce" after surgery, and you are feeling so well being out of pain you can tend to overdo things. At all times use the waterproof dressings which look like clingfilm to cover your wound when having a shower, and change normal dressings when advised. You are supplied with these on leaving the clinic.

During your stay you are given anti deep vein thrombosis (DVT) injections

Approximately 10 days after leaving the alphaklinik, you return there to have your wound checked prior to the flight home next day. If you are still having any pain at all, the alphaklinik will give you a modest supply of drugs to see you to your home country.
ADR Munich 26th July 2002 L5/S1. Aged 82 now
Your best asset is your health
My story is here
Thank goodness for Dr Zeegers I am painfree
I am here to help,I live in the UK

I now run the UK spine site and can be contacted at
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