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Old 05-10-2007, 12:32 PM
Lisibug Lisibug is offline
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Hi everyone. A friend of mine asked me to post this information about her - but I've had experience with this, too. She started having pinching pains all over her body with tingling, underwent MRI of her brain (which was clear, thank God) and nerve tests which revealed peripheral neuropathy, all four extremities and all over her body. Turns out she has lead and mercury poisoning. She is beginning chelation therapy and will get better.

About 7 years ago I began having MS type attacks, with weakness in all 4 distal extremities, couldn't feel part of my leg, my right ankle would stop working, both ankles fell inward, right hand would tremor so I couldn't handwrite, etc. It was a lot of fun and very scary. Turns out I had mercury poisoning from a broken filling. I had all my silver fillings taken out with a rubber dam so I wouldn't inhale the silver bits that were drilled out. I then took chinese herbs and it cured me. Several years later I had EMG/NCV testing which revealed chronic upper and lower sensory motor demyelinating polyneauropathy (the chronic version of Guillian Barr). That was what the chinese medical doc halted the progression of many years ago, even though I do have some residual impairment. I also had fibromyalgia starting 12 years ago, which the chinese medical doc cured me of.

Another friend of mine just had breast cancer and is doing great - but she turns out to have mercury poisoning from old fillings too, and is undergoing chelation therapy (and had all the silver taken out of her mouth with rubber dams, too).

Just wanted to point out for the many of you out there with neurological deficits, MS, fibromyalgia and other autoimmune diseases (I've now had two) - it is possible some of this is due to mercury poisoning and you can get better. Don't just go for a urine test - it's not sensitive enough. Insist upon testing taking DMSA tablets which will pull the metals out of your tissue for testing.

If you have this, you can halt the progression or at least improve it. This is good news.

If anyone wanted to PM me about this, I'd be happy to 'talk' to you. I'm thrilled to be ticking off physical ailments, one by one!
Back/neck pain with chiropractic treatment 3 x week in 1973 (age 13) for 1 year and pain since then due to falling off horses
headaches since age 17
Onset of severe fibromyalgia in 6/95, undiagnosed for 2 years while lived in UK
About 1998 o
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Old 05-10-2007, 05:04 PM
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Harrison Harrison is offline
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Really interesting points, Lisa, thx for sharing this. Testing for these kinds of things are tricky...can you share with us what you learned about choosing a lab -- or did a your doctor do this? How did you find confidence in that whole process?
"Harrison" - info (at)
Fell on my ***winter 2003, Canceled fusion April 6 2004
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Old 05-11-2007, 09:04 AM
Lisibug Lisibug is offline
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As I'm sure everyone knows, there's not much Western medicine offers people with fibro and this is how my journey began. I lived in England when it 'hit' 12 years ago, had severe pain with hands shaking, etc., electrical shocks running through my body, felt very sick like I had the flu all of the time and had extreme fatigue and was advised that I had exhaustion. For the first two years, in the U.K., I was undiagnosed. I moved to the U.S. and 5 docs immediately diagnosed me with fibromyalgia, which I'd never heard of. I took the regular western meds and physical therapy - without much help except that the amitryptiline helped me sleep better at night - but still had exhaustion. I then started researching and trying different docs, naturopaths, etc. Our financial advisor recommended this chinese medical doc to me. He is a genius, has pioneered his own work and has trained 7 associates in his techniques - but they all have to get O.M.D.'s on their own, first. His website is and the testing is strange and makes you think it's hocus pocus - they touch various parts of your body (nothing private) which correspond to various organs in your body and they are trained to sense if there is a problem there. If there is, they then touch these glass vials with clear liquid and doing this enables them to measure the strength of the infection. Then they touch various herbal vials to see which herbs for that condition will specifically work for your body. In my case, usually 12-18 herbs are selected. No needles, blood drawn, etc. However, I went along with what he said, took the herbs and was very skeptical. My husband noticed the difference first after about 3 weeks. I was still skeptical and didn't notice the difference in me at that time - or thought maybe it was in my head. (I have had acupuncture now and then by him, too). After awhile I could tell a big difference. It took probably a few years to completely clear everything up regarding the fibro. Then I started having the MS type attacks. I didn't tell them I'd had an MRI of my brain and that it was normal. They said what I had worked like MS, but it wasn't and there were no lesions in my brain, but that the autoimmune response to the mercury was attacking the myelin sheath around the nerves. They treated me for this and I very quickly had a positive response. I was having significant attacks and it was becoming hard to walk - the attacks were at first 5 months apart, then 4, then 3 and then with their treatment and taking all the silver out of my mouth, no more big attacks. Many years later I had EMG/NCV studies which showed I had a nerve disease which is exactly what they described (autoimmune causing my body to attack the myelin sheath around my nerves) but the progression had already been halted for years. I have seen him help my younger daughter, husband and friends. It took me many years to get over the 'hocus pocus' type of feeling and to believe in their treatment. My chinese medical doctor is usually booked up 2-3 months in advance and he works 10-12 hours per day on patients, many of them in critical condition where western medicine holds out no more hope. He treats many people with MS that he says it's from mercury poisoning and they become much better. I met one patient with MS who had been in a wheelchair, paralyzed, drooling and western medicine had nothing left to offer her. She is now up and around, talks, does stuff - I doubt she'll ever be doing cartwheels, but she's a heck of a lot better and western medicine had left her to die. He helps people with ADHD, all kinds of 'weird' stuff. He has an amazing understanding of how the body works, knows western and eastern medicine and again, has pioneered his own work. Amazing guy. And fortunately, when people don't have time to wait to see him, you can see his associates.

My friend who asked me to post, has seen my chinese medical doc and is still seeing him, but also goes to a holistic doctor who tested her with those tablets I mentioned. The chinese medical doc had already told her about the heavy metal poisoning - they really are amazing. She is doing chelation with the holistic doc and herbal treatment with my chinese medical doc. She is improving with the herbs but is also starting chelation with the holistic doc on Monday, I believe.
Back/neck pain with chiropractic treatment 3 x week in 1973 (age 13) for 1 year and pain since then due to falling off horses
headaches since age 17
Onset of severe fibromyalgia in 6/95, undiagnosed for 2 years while lived in UK
About 1998 o
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Old 05-11-2007, 03:53 PM
Justin Justin is offline
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I am glad that you are feeling better these days. Below are some links regarding fillings and their association with autoimmune diseases:

The "Mercury Toxicity" Scam: How Anti-Amalgamists Swindle People

Be Wary of Multiple Sclerosis "Cures"

Chelation Therapy: Unproven Claims and Unsound Theories

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Old 06-10-2007, 09:07 PM
JEVE19 JEVE19 is offline
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I met a retired RN in the lobby of the Cleveland Clinic while waiting for my mother who was having a procedure done that day.
Starting chatting with this woman who told me that she had cancer from the fillings in her mouth.
She had a test for mercury done and to make a long story short....she did indeed have cancer as a result of her fillings.
She was going to a doctor in Denver who had been studying this for years and she said he was the best and only wanted him to replace her fillings.

I had half of my silver fillings replaced and now need to do finish the other side.
You have to find a dentist who is up to date about this and knows how to properly remove the silver fillings from your mouth without exposing you to the crap he's removing.

Nice to know that I paid big bucks through the years to have my teeth filled with stuff that can cause cancer down the road.
L5-S1 Lumbar M6 by Nick Boeree
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Old 06-10-2007, 10:44 PM
ZorroSF ZorroSF is offline
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I remember here in San Francisco there was a test done on many chinese herbalists. They found toxic amounts of metals that included lead and mercury in the herbs.

not that this will happen to everyone
1/2006 DDD L5/S1

Prodisc St. Mary's 12/2006 not diagnosed properly pre-op and now have DDD L4/L5, facet calcification L5-S1/L4-L5, mild scoliosis and left knee pain. DDD: C3 through C6
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