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New Member Introductions If you just joined, please introduce yourself here. Please add a signature describing your spinal history (use the "User CP) and ask us how we can help you get started.

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Old 10-08-2005, 03:49 PM
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I can't decipher your reports without a medical dictionary ... or Google. Thank goodness for the internet! (Can anyone remember what we did before?)

Have fun with ChiroGeek. "Knowledge is power."

Hugs & neck rubs,

p.s. I'd have made a terrible medical student, cuz every symptom I read about "suddenly" seems familiar. Don't be like me and give in to educational hypochondria, ok?
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Old 10-08-2005, 04:22 PM
Alastair Alastair is offline
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Ho Molinda,
Its your body you can post what you want!! Its not offensive to us so its OK!

It looks as if you have osteophyts growing (See Faq`s) plus some stenosis.

The total outcome I really am not qualified to say - --its VERY complicated.

Who is you surgeon in the UK?? Just leave me a PM about that or e mail if you would rather not put it here.

ADR Munich 26th July 2002 L5/S1. Aged 82 now
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Old 10-09-2005, 09:54 AM
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Hi everyone,
my neuro-surgeon is Mr Stefan Zygmunt of the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital here in Birmingham. He had promised to do my first surgery but didn't, i'm not saying this wouldn't have happened anyway....who knows?
There have been so many questions ive asked & never had an answer too, like they are avoiding the issue, well ! i know they are avoiding it ! Also, no other Dr,s will comment. Only a Physiotherapist that i went to private, he looked at my M.R.I scan & said he couldn't believe what he was seeing, that it wasn't really matched to the type of surgery i had,had.
He said it looked like all the Facet had been sliced off ! Well i asked about that & was told not to be stupid ! As you can imagine, the Physiotherapist didn't want to become envolved so that was the end of that. I have no idea what to do where to go etc, seems like a closed door to all the things ive tried !
But ! I'm stubborn so will keep looking.
Love Molinda
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Old 10-09-2005, 11:56 AM
mmglobal mmglobal is offline
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Maureen... If the laminectomy removed too much of the posterior elements, you will not be a candidate for disc replacement at that level. If you have adjacent levels that are gone too, and you must entertain fusion, you should be dealing with someone who can do a hybrid construct... fusion where needed and ADR where appropriate too.

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Old 10-10-2005, 01:57 PM
Posts: n/a

Hi all,
yes,Mark, i think i know what you are saying. Also, i probably need a new M.R.I as the findings of this last one are over 12mths old & i know i have deteriorated, especially the last couple of months. Since last week, i seem to be having problems with my balance, is a horrible feeling sort of like vertigo, but i'm hoping this is to do with my tinnitus as it has been really bad these last few weeks, can you imagine a high pitched screaming in both ears from the minute you waken up until you go to sleep, it hurts too. So maybe the balance thing is my ears, fingers crossed not to do with the Stenosis ! I am thinking of going to see my G.P to talk things over. I must thank Alastair for helping me to understand all this a bit better, also Mark, well actually everyone here, you have helped me a great deal. Speak soon.
Love Molinda
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Old 10-16-2005, 07:03 AM
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Hi again,
well i have had a miserable week i'm afraid. My neck has felt terrible, the only way i can describe it is, like someone has done a karate chop to back of my neck ! I have made an appointment to dee my G.P next Thursday, don't really know why because i'm always told there is very little they can do for me as i can't tolerate drugs ( bad side-effects with everything ) Today the pain isn't too bad but my neck feels solid & very stiff. I keep doing little exercises the hospital showed me, not helping. Again, the stiffness seems to go right up to my ears, anyone got any ideas?
Or, can you think of questions i should be asking my G.P ? Any help or advice would be great, thanks.
Hope you are all well & having a good day.
Love Molinda xx
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Old 10-16-2005, 02:40 PM
Alastair Alastair is offline
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Hi Molinda,
I`m sorry to hear you are having a bad time, and sorry I cannot offer more than I did in our e mails. Our NHS has a lot to answer for -- - my door is always open.
Best wishes
ADR Munich 26th July 2002 L5/S1. Aged 82 now
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Old 10-16-2005, 04:00 PM
Posts: n/a

Hi Alastair,
thanks for your kind words, yes, unfortunately you are right about our N.H.S but i always remind myself there are an awful lot of people out there sufferring, who have to fight the system to have treatment, it all makes no sense to me. I watched Dr Kai Lam the other day on t.v yes, i remember him now, have watched him before, who knows, maybe one day i can ask him to help me
I really don't think i can accept fusion, not sure if it's fear or gut instinct that it wont help. Then again, who knows, i may have no choice !I'm hoping to try & discuss all this with my G.P but unfortunately as my last Dr said, it is a field they really dont know much about, which i can understand. Will let you know how i get on though. What a fantastic place this is, so many brave people, you are an inspiration.
I come here every day & read a bit more, is an education. Pleased to tell you my neck isn't quite as stiff tonight. You know, i wonder if my having Pustular Psoriasis is connected to my neck being sore. I have Psoriasis on neck & pustular psoriasis on my left hand also on my right foot. Just wondering because that has flared up again, it comes & goes.
Ok, i best stop now as you know i get carried away when writing
Night Night.
Love Maureen. xx
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