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Old 11-21-2005, 10:24 AM
Pat&Robin Pat&Robin is offline
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Hi everyone,
It seems I only pop in here when I have a problem, but our puter was fried by lightening a couple months ago and haven't had time to replace.
To bring you up to date, husband Pat had a TLIF on Sept 13 and I posted here about his terrible post op pain. Well, eventually it improved and he had about two good weeks in October.
Then things went downhill rapidly to where he is prop condition again,only worse as he can barely get in and out of bed. Initial x-rays at 3 wks were ok, then last week (9'ish weeks out) showed not only no fusion, but NO bone growth whatsoever. I didn't go to appt,had to work, which I am the one to usually ask the tough questions. Surgeon was very concerned and ordered MRI, which was Sat. In meantime, Pat goes to his PM doc, who looked at x-rays and report and is very alarmed,stating that NOW there is spondylolisthesis present and that he will need more surgery asap. He feels surgeon botched this job, we should get a second opinion asap, but that nobody will want to touch someone else's mess.
We see neurosurgeon Wednesday, who (according to the PM doc) will either give a "wait-see" approach or schedule surgery immed.
Any thoughts? Well, besides the obvious (Pat your life really sucks). Talk about a bad month, I also ran over my 10 yo's beloved dog, WITH 5 of the kids in the car, couple weeks ago.

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Old 11-21-2005, 11:03 AM
Mariaa Mariaa is offline
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I just want to say I'm sorry for all that Pat is going thru w/this failed fusion and pain.
The only advice I have is to see what this surgeon says, meanwhile if it's surgery he recommends tell him you want a 2nd opinion and he should be able to refer you to a few reputable surgeons.

I'd meanwhile also get a 2nd opinion set up if he says to wait. While it's true that no one wants to perhaps touch someone else's surgical endeavor, you will find fine surgeons willing to give a consultation and those that do what is considered "revision surgery".

Myself, I'd send the films to Dr.Bertagnoli in Germany thru Mark's services to see what his opinion might be.

Those are just my suggestions or what I'd want to do for myself in this very same situation.

I was on track to have a 2 level ADR (possibly 3) which WC had been willing to pay for here in the states, however, since new WC people are taking the reigns it's back to an offer of a 3 level global fusion which I've been ardently avoiding since '98. Oh well..

Meanwhile, so sorry about your dog. That must have been really tough with the kids in the car, tho at least you didn't have to face them and tell them the news. Still, that's a shame..

Hi to Pat and hang in there..sounds like the PM doc is helpful so that's good. Don't often hear them recommending more surgery~ at least that's been my experience.
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Old 11-22-2005, 08:54 PM
Pat&Robin Pat&Robin is offline
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Thank you Maria, I thought about contacting Mark, even went to his website today but the email link wouldn't work. I wonder if he could still have ADR, (although everything I've read says no) because he didn't fuse it seems he has aquired sponylolithesis.
I am sorry for your situation. Wow,'98 is a long time to wait. wE only wasted a year waiting for adr.
best wishes,
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Old 11-30-2005, 01:07 PM
kristi kristi is offline
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Through second hand info, I know a little bit about a man who had a botched surgery and went to Chicago to a doctor willing to tackle a difficult situation. Will find out his name and get back to you soon.
DDD for 15 years.
ADR candidate L4-L5, L5-S1
UHC insurance
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Old 12-04-2005, 05:34 PM
Dale S Dale S is offline
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All I can say is that my heart reaches out to both of you. As as wife who watches my husband stress over my every move, I know that whatever happens to Pat, happens to you too, and all you can do is watch and cry.

I have no words of wisdom and no advise but I do truly feel your pain and anguish. If Mark's link isn't working, try calling him. If he isn't in Germany, I know he will call you back.

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