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Old 10-30-2005, 05:38 PM
SenecaGirl SenecaGirl is offline
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Posts: 65

Hello all...wondering if you might be able to help me out. In late July, (about 7 months post-op), I started having sharp, painful stabs in my gut area -- specifically my bladder/ovary area. The pain would come on at any time, and last 5-10 seconds. At one point it got so bad it made me cry. So, I went to my general Dr., who tested me for a UTI, but that wasn't it. Not pregnant. He put me on a bladder relaxation type drug, thinking it might be bladder spasms. Didn't help. So, I went in for an ultrasound and a vaginal test -- nothing wrong with the female parts. Since this started, I've had 1 blood test and 3 urine tests to rule out the usual suspects.

The pain got better, and now happens at very random times, mostly when I bend or stretch my gut area. Wondering if this could be a result of my horizontal ADR scar that is 2 inches below the belly button (which is a few inches above my pains). Could my internal tissues be moving and connecting resulting in pain? My Dr. thinks that this is a plausible explaination, however the next step is a Cat-scan to see. If it is scarring tissue, I think the only thing that can be done is to open me back up and clean it out -- something I'm not too fond of.

At this point, the pain is uncomfortable and annoying enough that I want to do something about it, but not enough that I'm going to sign up for surgery.

Anyone have any theories or experience anything similiar? I am now 10 months post-op and have no other issues. Thanks! SG
L5/S1 replaced with Charite on 1/4/05 -- successful recovery!
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Old 10-30-2005, 05:56 PM
letteski letteski is offline
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Sorry to hear about this. I�m less then 10 weeks and am still tender to the touch in my abdominal area and this concerns me. The incision is not sore just my inners. I have a 2.5-inch vertical scare offset to the left. I can see stretching around the incision where the skin was stretched to open me up. I hope this gets better in time.

Thanks for starting this tread, I am interested in how others are doing in this area.
ProDisc L5-S1 W/Dr Delamarter Aug 23, 2005
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Old 10-30-2005, 11:13 PM
luvmysibe luvmysibe is offline
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While my scar is not nearly as petite as Paulette's, it is healing very nicely. I tend to keloid (develop extra tissue) so I have been using wheat germ oil and cool lazers to heal the incision. I had 7 previous abdominal surgeries so my abdomen is familiar with incisional pain. This time I was fortunate that my access surgeon carefully removed any new scar tissue and recent growths. In the past, I did experience abdominal pain and phantom pain as a result of scar tissue and adhesions. I underwent a series of cortisone injections in my lower left abdomen to combat the pain. Eventually, I decided that I would take a more natural approach to the situation and began yoga and pilates. This combination with a change of hormones greatly reduced my abdominal pain.

Have you been to a massage therapist that can access the deep abdominal muscles around your hips and pelvis? It is possible that they are still extremely tight and agitated from your surgery and/or compensatory behavior pre and post sugery. Having a professional work these muscles has really eased my spasms and discomfort.
L5/SI Charite
7/18/05 Dr. Howard
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Old 10-31-2005, 05:08 AM
Alastair Alastair is offline
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This really could just be muscles and ligaments and blood vessels still healing themselves. Are you doing any tummy curl exercises? If you are doing it might be an idea just to ease those up. If you're doing stretching exercises there again it might just be finding a small area which is healing.

A Gentle Pilates exercise in the "Cat" position might help, but do consult a qualified person

I'm not comparing scars with anybody -- -- -- lol at three years my scar is totally gone except for a little red blob which is where the drain went in. My plastic ducks in the bath are the only ones that get to look at my tummy -- -- -- lol

I hope this resolves itself on its own
ADR Munich 26th July 2002 L5/S1. Aged 82 now
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Old 10-31-2005, 12:35 PM
Mariaa Mariaa is offline
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It's possible you have adhesions which is the union of two surfaces that are normally seperate; also any fibrous band that connects them.
Surgery within the abdomen sometimes results in adhesions from scar tissue. As an organ heals, fibrous scar tissue forms around the tissue.

This scar tissue may cling to the surface of adjoining organs, causing them to kink. Adhesions are usually painless and cause no difficulties, alhtough occasionally tehy produce an obstruction or malfunction by distorting the organ.
They can also occur after peritonitis and other inflammatory conditions. They may occur in the pleura, in the pericardium, and around the pelvic organs, in addition to the abdomen. Surgery is sometimes recommended to relieve pain from adhesions.

For the first two years after my BTL, I had some very sharp pains very low in the right groin area.. oh man, did I ever have some pain~ I had it worked up and nothing was ever really found..eventually it resolved altho it seemed to have taken a good 5 years to completely resolve. I was given the diagnosis of "probable adhesions". Because the pain was so intermittant and mostly before my menses, I didn't really care, it was more a topic of discussion/complaint with my GFs.

As my menses have dissapated/gone altogether, I no longer get this pain...

If it is adhesions and this is mild, then probably with the normal stretching of the body thru everyday movement this well resolve over time..
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Old 11-01-2005, 12:10 AM
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My abdominal pain sounds a bit like Paulette's. It is finally going away after 3 1/2 months. The incision felt okay, the back felt great, but the area above the incision felt like it was on fire just under the skin. If anything touched it (my clothes, the weight of my insides when trying to do push-ups or bending over) it burned. I modified my ab work, quit kick boxing and anything else that irritated it and now it's almost gone. It wasn't swollen or red or hot to the touch. I think some ab muscles had been irritated during surgery and then by me. I had a couple of zinging pains to the area. I guess my body was saying to slow down so I did. With my back feeling so good, I often forget I'm still healing.
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Old 06-04-2007, 12:10 PM
marilyn marilyn is offline
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Sorry for not following protocol. I can't figure out how to write a private message. Computerphobia.
You had written me about my case of left sided pain. I am almost one year out of Stenum with the three bottom disks ala Maverick. My problem is that I have left sided scar like pain on the back side. You recommended releases. That went completely over my head. Do you think I should have any tests done?
Confused and panicked,

E]Originally posted by Alastair:
This really could just be muscles and ligaments and blood vessels still healing themselves. Are you doing any tummy curl exercises? If you are doing it might be an idea just to ease those up. If you're doing stretching exercises there again it might just be finding a small area which is healing.

A Gentle Pilates exercise in the "Cat" position might help, but do consult a qualified person

I'm not comparing scars with anybody -- -- -- lol at three years my scar is totally gone except for a little red blob which is where the drain went in. My plastic ducks in the bath are the only ones that get to look at my tummy -- -- -- lol

I hope this resolves itself on its own
Alastair [/QUOTE]
marilyn michalak
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Old 06-04-2007, 12:28 PM
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CindyLou CindyLou is offline
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Marilyn, Alastair isn't too visible these days what with running the UK spine forum. It could be a while before he sees your message. Private messaging isn't too difficult if you follow the prompts. On left hand side of screen you will see little boxes which say things like: Go, Find, etc. If you click on the "Go" box it will prompt you and you can click Personal Zone, and should be able to follow the prompts after that. Don't worry about messing up. You can just try again. Hope you get your message to him.
bicycle accident 6/19/01
2 compression fractures, T12, L1;
vertibroplasty @ above levels, 9/15/01
4/06 hip labral tear repair
4/07 Lumbar ProDisc replacement by Dr. B., 3 levels; L3-6
7/2/08 ALIF of L6-S1
7/30/08 Removed bone cement.
8/7/08 Diagnosed with pulmonary embolism, double pneumonia, collapsed left lung, pleurisy, pleural effusion.
3/10/09 right SI Joint Fusion; seeing light at end of tunnel, for first time in 8 years!!
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Old 06-05-2007, 10:34 AM
marilyn marilyn is offline
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Hi ,
I have something similar. I feel a sack like area where they operated. It is painful especially on the back side. I have often a line of pain just to the left of the spine. In addition, there is a sack like area to the left. My left leg has nerve swelling 11 months out. I tried to get my toenails done, and they could only massage the right leg. I think it is scar tissue. I am going in for an epidural.
3 Level ADR Stenum
Originally posted by SenecaGirl:
Hello all...wondering if you might be able to help me out. In late July, (about 7 months post-op), I started having sharp, painful stabs in my gut area -- specifically my bladder/ovary area. The pain would come on at any time, and last 5-10 seconds. At one point it got so bad it made me cry. So, I went to my general Dr., who tested me for a UTI, but that wasn't it. Not pregnant. He put me on a bladder relaxation type drug, thinking it might be bladder spasms. Didn't help. So, I went in for an ultrasound and a vaginal test -- nothing wrong with the female parts. Since this started, I've had 1 blood test and 3 urine tests to rule out the usual suspects.

The pain got better, and now happens at very random times, mostly when I bend or stretch my gut area. Wondering if this could be a result of my horizontal ADR scar that is 2 inches below the belly button (which is a few inches above my pains). Could my internal tissues be moving and connecting resulting in pain? My Dr. thinks that this is a plausible explaination, however the next step is a Cat-scan to see. If it is scarring tissue, I think the only thing that can be done is to open me back up and clean it out -- something I'm not too fond of.

At this point, the pain is uncomfortable and annoying enough that I want to do something about it, but not enough that I'm going to sign up for surgery.

Anyone have any theories or experience anything similiar? I am now 10 months post-op and have no other issues. Thanks! SG
marilyn michalak
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Old 06-06-2007, 10:10 AM
marilyn marilyn is offline
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Posts: 40

I just wanted you to know that I am in Epidural Heaven right now.Don't know if that would help you, but I'm sooooooooo happy!
marilyn michalak
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