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Old 11-16-2005, 10:49 AM
Posts: n/a

Hello All,

I am a new member but have been hiding in the background checking this site out for a couple of months now. I must say, the information here is amazing and the compassion and understanding is clear as we are all in the same boat. I'm not sure what people did 10 years ago for researching medical questions without the internet.

My synopsis. 40 year old male (feel like I went from 39 to 69 over the past year). On and off back pain for years. Chiro would fix and in a couple of weeks, I'd be back in the game. Jan 05 had a major flare up and have not gotten better since. MRI's, ESI, PT, Chiro, and other conservative measures. MRI showed "Minor" DDD L4-S1. Bulge at L3/4 and L5/S1. I have almost all low back pain with minor (5%) tingling periodically in left leg. Sitting hurts most (especially in car) standing, etc. No/minimal pain when laying down. After it was clear that my DDD is most likey the cause of my pain, met with two OSS's over the past 2 months. Went through all stages of anger, denial, depression and finally at acceptance and what do I do now. Pain is constant at the 4 level spiking periodically up. Most activities limited or eliminated. Am using Mark to begin eval process in Germany and US. I am at that typical evaluation point of am I bad enough to risk major surgery. I have never spent a day in the hosiptal in my life (except of course when I was born .

My question relates to more conservative measures at this time. Over the past month, I have felt better, been a bit more active, but the pain is there. I felt, and my Doctor's here feel, that I am ready to start PT again and see if we can keep away from surgery. Had my first session yesterday (very mild) and pain is back today. It's that deep burning pain the L5/S1 region that radiates accross SI joints. Definitely not muscle pain. I hope to keep trying PT and fight through this as PT really seemed to help last spring before I had the blow up of all blow ups in May. I have heard of PT not working for some because once they start, it begins the process of the toxic fluids leaking from the disc. Wondering about this and if anyone has experience in this.

Sorry for the long post. Future ones will be shorter. Thanks

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Old 11-16-2005, 11:47 AM
Alastair Alastair is offline
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Hi Craig,
Well it sounds as if you have had an MRI and not discography yet, so no evidence of leakage from your discs just bulging. If you had leakage this is usually VERY painful and you don`t report this.

Discs inflate and deflate as fluid comes and goes into, and out of them. When you lie down as no pressure is on the spine joint, then fluid goes into your disc and when you stand up it compresses the disc so drives fluid out. Its as simple as that.

The disc might be torn inside but so far no reported leaks.

Quite often Pilates exercises strengthening muscles can be a big help. Many repetitions with weights etc will be unhelpful as you can imagine they are driving fluid out of your spine if you are vertical. Just to see what works for you.

It is very major surgery and a one off -- -- -- not to be taken lightly

If you're thinking about ADR then you need to get yourself as fit as possible, and your body mass index down to between 20 and 25 is the recommended limits.
ADR Munich 26th July 2002 L5/S1. Aged 82 now
Your best asset is your health
My story is here
Thank goodness for Dr Zeegers I am painfree
I am here to help,I live in the UK

I now run the UK spine site and can be contacted at
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Old 11-16-2005, 02:24 PM
Posts: n/a


Thanks for your reply. You are correct. No discogram yet so nothing is confirmed other than the way my MRI looks and my symptoms. THe pain is severe with certain activities and changed almost overnight once I re-started PT again. That is the reason for the question regarding fluid leaks. I get a bone density test at the end of this month. Thanks to this site, and a good GP, I am getting this now as a cautionary step.

I have been battling this now for nearly a year. I realize that many others have battled longer and in much worse shape. However, my life as a father and breadwinner has been severely limited. I am not ready to go the surgery route today as I realize it is a huge surgery and I feel I need to try every possible thing to avoid it (probably the same attitude a number of people have had here). However, if I think it is the only way I can get my life back, then it may be worth the risk. I have always been physically fit, no previous surgeries, etc. that seem to make me a relatively good candidate assuming discogram was positive. I am trying to drop a few pounds for a number of reasons, including getting in better shape in the event surgery is needed but my BMI is fine. Thanks again for your post and this site. I'll keep looking for answers.
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Old 11-16-2005, 08:42 PM
JL JL is offline
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Hi Craig, welcome to the club no one wants to belong. But it sounds like you just might. Some of what is going on with you sounds very familiar. The radiating pain across S1, boy, I remember that one. And knowing it is not muscle, how to try and describe that. And it increases with sitting, I know that one. How about weather changes? There are lots of roads left open to you and you will know it as you get close. How are you with extension? Does it get worse?
(Bill) 14 yrs L5-S1 pain & tear
Discography 2003 DDD
10 yrs. chiropractic
6-14-05 L4/5 & L5/S1 Prodisc Yale New Haven CT Dr. James Yue
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Old 11-16-2005, 09:11 PM
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Yes, extension seems to increase the pain. Flexion not as much. Have not noticed any weather related issues. I'm trying my hardest to avoid surgery. Not sure if you felt like a failure because you could not get better. All the docs say "Your MRI's don't look that bad, let's try more PT". I'm almost at my wits end but I feel I have to try a bit more to see if I can take the edge off. Last summer in 2004 I was hiking in Colorado, doing back flips off the diving board, throwing my kids in the pool. A year can really make a difference and if I get a second chance, I won't take it for granted.

Howe are you doing? I see you had two levels with Yue. I have my stuff in front of Dr. B in germany through Mark. I'll keep researching and see what happens. Thanks again for telling your story. It helps alot.

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Old 11-18-2005, 01:44 PM
JL JL is offline
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Hi Craig, Not being able to do the things we did before and watching everything deteriorate all the while being in pain no one understood, cared or would help isn't failure. It once felt like failure to me too though. One goal of mine is to re-visit those "failures". My first one was a nay-sayer doctor. Dr. Stall in fact. I hope someday you can go back in time and ask Dr. Stall, "Well, what do you think now?" Last week I bicycled 8 miles along the coast. Three weeks ago I re-visited dance lessons. I still stink, but the same instructor is still very cute. Hopefully your journey will take you along the right road.
(Bill) 14 yrs L5-S1 pain & tear
Discography 2003 DDD
10 yrs. chiropractic
6-14-05 L4/5 & L5/S1 Prodisc Yale New Haven CT Dr. James Yue
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Old 11-19-2005, 07:47 AM
Posts: n/a


Have you incorporated stretching into your daily routine. There are some very specific stretches that target your legs and hips while isolating your back that will do more for you than rehab workouts. Find a good sports massage therapist for regular vists. They will teach you about stretching and the cause and effect of controling your pain. I can send you more info on stretching if you like.

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Old 11-19-2005, 09:18 AM
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Fl Man,

I stretch every day at least once if not twice. Focus on lower back, upper back, and hamstring muscles. It does help. I am more flexible but no difference in pain.
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