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Old 12-30-2007, 04:21 AM
tmont tmont is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 442

This forum has always been amazingly helpful and initiated and provided as a courtesy by Harrison.

Does ANYONE remember this?

Private, personal and serious issues should be addressed by a qualified healthcare professional. I thought this was/is a support group, not a psychiatrists or pain specialist's office.

And any personal comments, however warranted, are just that, personal, and to be discussed privately. Where has the common sense, decency and mutual respect gone?

And if the founder of the site needs to set guidelines, (Of which I have been appropriately reminded when my comment(s) have gotten too harsh in the past), then so be it.....HE'S ENTITLED. GET OVER IT.

My goodness, to post here is a privilege and if any one of us does not like it, I'm sure we can all find something better to do, like seek the appropriate professional help.

Or better yet, create your own site/blog, no one forces you to be here and log on.

And for new posters,

Try to remember, some people post only what they want you to know, and a lot of information is conveniently left out, postive and negative procedural outcomes included.

"Been there, saw what happened, be advised; there is more to the story."

Plenty of us have had surgical tragedies, devastating financial and personal losses, including myself and my husband, you have no idea, we just choose not to invite others to the pity party.

Happy, miserable, whatever, get a are doing yourself a great injustice as well as others by continually washing your dirty laundry in public.

And that helps no one, especially yourself.

Sorry if this post is over the top, Harrison, edit it as you see fit, I don't take things like that personally, and if it belongs in another thread, kindly move it.

Enough is enough, people. Move on. Grow up.


My sincere congratulations, Anita—such a wonderful post, ‘non-personal’ as you preached, and full of warmth, humanity and compassion from Prospine’s first-line representative. I will take the same ‘non-personal’ tack in my reaction. Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you as well...

You though this was a support group? It is—it’s called ADR Support and more and more it’s apparent that this means ‘Support for ADR’, and to a much lesser extent, patients.

You ‘were there, saw what happened, and there’s more to the story’? How so? The bottom line is that Anastasia woke up far worse off than before surgery, and since then has found no support from ProSpine--or the ADR Support administrator for that matter. No vague innuendo on your part will change that; in fact your post(s) clearly (and painfully) confirms it.

I suppose you’ll be telling us next that Anastasia did her own surgery and it’s her fault the disc was far oversized. Numerous written testimonies by some of the most prominent spine surgeons in the world come to that conclusion, and this one: the surgery never should have happened. You’re actually going to try to make it Anastasia’s fault now? Good luck. Not to mention those ‘lost’ images...please. I’d have had far more respect for your (ex) place of employment—and you—if you (and they) had had the gonads to say ‘yes, this was a mistake and we’re doing all we can to make it right’.

‘Pity party’. ‘Get a life’ (that’s my favorite, by the way. And so ‘non-personal’) How DOES a botched spine patient get a life? Isn’t that what she’s been trying to do ever since she trusted Prospine to do the surgery?

‘Grow up’. ‘Move on’. Hmm, those were the catch phrases I used to hear in Junior High when someone had their back against the wall and no logical argument or solid ground to stand on.

Good Lord, Anita. Re-read your post. You were (and are on this forum) the interface for ProSpine. Nice job—and very revealing. Did all failed cases receive the same callousness and disdain, or was it just Anastasia, who along with Matt had the intelligence and the arguments that average lay-people may not have had--enough to challenge the process, and especially the actors? People make mistakes, but that seems impossible for some prominent people to admit...

And to you Richard (that’s Harrison for the newbies), I now say publicly what I said behind the scenes a long time ago: I've done what I could to help this site and patients in my own way, but it is obvious where you’re heading, and I can neither approve nor follow. One of this site's main goals is to promote ADR, and this bias is more and more pronounced as time goes on--and is apparent down to the title of the forum itself. Those who initially post with a negative ADR slant most often get cut short with a ‘I pm-ed you, call me, let’s talk’. Let’s keep the negative ADR stuff off the board...and as ‘certain ADR surgeons’ are an integral part of this board, no criticism of their business or personal manners will be tolerated (yet we can take Stenum and its docs to town). The slant of this Board is so pronounced, you couldn’t hang on with cleats.

Of course I'm required to leave, as will others like me, and this place will be populated with cheerleaders for ADR and its surgeons, appropriately singing their praises to bedazzle potential clients and to drown out the discontent of the unsuccessful or botched cases. And dat’s da goal, folks....

So you can be happy, Anita— looks like you’ve got a pretty clear field. I personally put my trust in God, who takes care of victims of human arrogance and injustice in His own time.

For those interested, another site is in the works, one whose only goal is to provide support and guidiance for SPINE PATIENTS, regardless of their treatment or experience. Those who care for info can contact me via email. It may not be as flashy or as dense as the other ADR- oriented sites out there yet, but with time we hope to see it flourish for the benefit of patients above all. I’ve copied all of my posts and all studies/links I posted here over the last years, so will be transfering all the info I have (have to start somewhere). While I encourage no one to leave this site, I do hope you will also post there too.

Peace, Joy and Health in the New Year to all. You too, Anita and Rich. Toodles.
Old 12-30-2007, 06:58 PM
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Harrison Harrison is offline
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You must be kidding me – no one is asking you to leave. This ain’t no dictatorship! What “rules” have you broken!? It’s all about helping and sharing. What Cool-Aid have you been drinking! Good Lord.

You are surely correct about me being “ADR-friendly,” though I can only guess why you say that in a negative manner. I am expressly for relieving patients of joint pain, disease, disability, etc. That’s why I track developments in arthroplasty, stem cell research, biologics, immunology, hematology and epidemiology, etc. It’s a perpetual chore, and members see just a small sample of that on the board across all the forums. And I've posted many topics about qual/disqualification criteria for ADR -- while also lobbying for more explicit and detailed criteria. Does this get noticed or scrutinized? Perhaps. Not.

Stated more crudely: progress? Yes. 50-year-old spine treatments?! No.

The majority of ADR patients do well with ADR – at least the ones that were properly qualified. I am...for sure…for progress. More about my biases and many flaws from the rumor mill will be revealed soon in another topic. As well: just because one "qualifies" for ADR, it does not mean one should seek that solution. I've also talked about this a zillion times.

And to you and your friend’s comment:

"...Those who initially post with a negative ADR slant most often get cut short with a ‘I pm-ed you, call me, let’s talk’..."

It’s because I provide support and lots of questions when I do talk to patients – and I’ve talked to many, many this year…on my dime, on my time. And I am really glad I have. I’ve learned a lot, while helping others. And that’s where I wish to be right now: helping others move to the next stage of wellness. BTW: See Joey's post from tonight in Arthroplasty Central.

Unfortunately, some unscrupulous people are using this board to misrepresent themselves…and you definitely know that happens! We've been there and done that! The bigger this board gets, the more issues there are for me to manage. Please tell me: how many other non-profit organizations host a discussion board?! Very few, if any. I now know I am a glutton for punishment....almost four years now. I wear my bars...and scars...with pride.

If you move on, the community loses. Whatever you decide, I hope you find another way to help the community, as you have here. We all thank you for caring.
"Harrison" - info (at)
Fell on my ***winter 2003, Canceled fusion April 6 2004
Reborn June 25th, 2004, L5-S1 ADR Charite in Boston
Founder & moderator of ADRSupport - 2004
Founder Arthroplasty Patient Foundation a 501(c)(3) - 2006
Creator & producer, Why Am I Still Sick? - 2012
Old 12-30-2007, 08:26 PM
Rosie Rosie is offline
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Tmont, I disagree with you when you mention "I pm-ed you, call me, let's talk etc..." as Rich spends time "individually" searching to help patients who are having difficulties as you would agree each/every case is different. I am sure he can't cover this on the forum.
He has definitely helped me in gathering TONS of informations trying to help me personally....

Anyway, this is my opinion.
Fusion L5/S1 & ADR - L4/L5
Old 12-31-2007, 08:41 AM
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Harrison Harrison is offline
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Thanks Rosie. And you're right -- there are many different health factors that affect pre and post-op outcomes.

I don't talk about the "work behind the scenes," as it's not relevant to most people. But it seems odd that some find fault with me trying to help others...pretty strange indeed.

Trace, good bye and good luck with your new web site. When you get it operational, email me and I'll post it for the community.
"Harrison" - info (at)
Fell on my ***winter 2003, Canceled fusion April 6 2004
Reborn June 25th, 2004, L5-S1 ADR Charite in Boston
Founder & moderator of ADRSupport - 2004
Founder Arthroplasty Patient Foundation a 501(c)(3) - 2006
Creator & producer, Why Am I Still Sick? - 2012
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