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Old 10-16-2010, 03:53 AM
kruse1234 kruse1234 is offline
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Default need advice for doctors who do charite revision

AI had ADR Charite l5-s1 I 2005 (big mistake). I have been in constant pain since then with low back and leg and foot pain (awfull). Recently my symptoms have worsened. Just had many procedures done to help pain but did not help. I have been told I. Need revision due to charite positioned wrong. Any advice. Maybe someone had this surgery.
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Old 10-17-2010, 08:00 PM
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Harrison Harrison is offline
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I am sorry to read such a sad message! Please tell us a little bit more about situation if you can. E.g, was the device positioned correctly during surgery? Immediately thereafter? Did you get a DEXA scan before surgery? Did the device subside? Did you obtain your imaging studies and radiologist reports?

Sorry for the questions, but we are here to help. And yes, unfortunately, device subsidence can be a problem and is usually due to localized osteoporosis and/or incorrect device placement. When the two conditions exist, the problem is almost inevitable!

I hope we can help you with your next steps. In the meantime, you may find these links helpful:
"Harrison" - info (at)
Fell on my ***winter 2003, Canceled fusion April 6 2004
Reborn June 25th, 2004, L5-S1 ADR Charite in Boston
Founder & moderator of ADRSupport - 2004
Founder Arthroplasty Patient Foundation a 501(c)(3) - 2006
Creator & producer, Why Am I Still Sick? - 2012
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Old 10-19-2010, 10:04 PM
kruse1234 kruse1234 is offline
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Default Info on Charite problem at l5-s1

I was sent to nuerologist summer 2005 after low back and leg pain did not respond to epidurals. I had a herniated disc l5-s1 since late 90`s. The I had IDET (intradiscal electrothermal therapy) done on the same disc 2001.I had to retire from the trama that procedure caused. A long recovery then disc failed again that led to artifical disc charite l5-s1. For a short time (maybe 3 weeks ) pain went away in legs and feet then pain came back and I was told I had failed back surgery syndrome. Anyhow it has been tough living with the artifical disc-constant pain,unable to sit,etc. Anyone else experience similar problems?
About 6 weeks ago my low back and leg pained has worsened and has been extremely hard to control even with 3 epidurals,si trigger,physical therapy. I have had to double avinza to 120 mil but even that doesn`t help. Recent forward x-ray of lumbar show the charite to be positioned to far back toward spinal cord. I never had a dexa scan before surgery but did have a positive mri and discogram at the l5-s1 level. I was told by pain dr and my nero dr that just did a anterior cervical decompression fusion c5-c7 that I need to have a revision surgery but nero dr doesn't want to do it. Hope I didn't give you guys to much info but I need some ideas.

2000 - diagnosed fybromyalgia
I also have disc bulge l3-l4,l4-l5
2005 - neucleoplasty l4-l5
2009 - diagnosed with Ehlers danlo syndrome
2010 - cervical fusion c5-c7 (severe stenosis and collapes disc c5-c7)
Host of other problems that can make life difficult.

Last edited by kruse1234; 10-19-2010 at 10:22 PM. Reason: typo,additional history
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Old 10-22-2010, 04:57 AM
kruse1234 kruse1234 is offline
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Unhappy anyone with charite l5-s1 failing and have extreem pain

Has anyone had the Charite ADR at the L5-S1 level that never fixed the low back and leg pain they had before the surgery. I was diagnoised with FBSS (failed back surgery syndrome). ADR was done october 2005. My pain doctors have tried just about every procedure (ie. Epiduras,facet,racz,si,trigger point,massage,pt etc). Never fixed the leg pain. I used to occasionally get my pain level down to a managable level but still had some other limitations with the device. If I carried anything over 5 pounds this produced instant pain. If I tried to jogg just a very short distance this also cause the leg pain to increase(it felt like a nerve became inflammed). In that instance it would take quite awhile for the pain to subside. also I was very limited in how long I could sit,(the longer I sit my pain level would rise very fast). I was limited in how I could sleep. Laying on my left side was uncomfratable and just tossing and turning could produce more throbbing leg pain. Anyhow the implant really has change me and how i Have live everday.

I would be really interested in how other charite recipients are doing and if they have some problems with it like I have?

Oct. 2010.
Now all the sudden my symptoms have dramatically changed. The pain level are from 7 to 10. My back is now very unstable and with the slightest movement my legs,back of thighs,calfs and feet become numbing and stinging and chrushing pain. Also I can,t even bend forward for a second and the same thing above happens. Walking,laying flat on my backwi ll produce the same hurtfull pain. I feel like my lumbar is broke,maybe something has lossend. This is kind of like I was before I had my herniated l5-s1 replaced with the charite. I suspect I have a long road ahead and I am in the process of getting help. Right now I'm going to see an orthopedic spine surgeon near by. I just had an some x-ray's taken and reviewed and my pain specialist and neck dr thinks my pain symptoms are from the charite ADR is positioned to far back and it is pressing on my spinal cord. Anyhow I would like to know if this has happen to anyone and if so what are your symptoms?
I'm on avinza 60 mil that's going to be change to 90 mil. Doesn't help a bit. I don't know if someone has used this medicine and has some experiance with it but I know I'm going to need more help. I'm not sure if anyone here has better pain control but my current dr. Just doesn't understand how bad my pain has become.

Thanks and god bless!

1996 - Started having tingling in left foot. MRI report DDD L3-S1,small herniation L5-S1. Disc bulge L3-L4 and L4-l5
2000 - diagnosed fybromyalgia,chronic pain
2001 - IDET l5-s1
2005 - neucleoplasty l4-l5
2005 - Charite III - disc replacement l5-s1
2005 - Diagnosed Failed Back Surgery Syndrome
2009 - Diagnosed with Ehlers Danlo Syndrome
2010 - Cervical fusion c5-c7
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Old 10-29-2010, 11:10 AM
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Harrison Harrison is offline
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Kruse, did you get any more answers? Have you been searching the forums here at all? Have you consulted with any more doctors?
"Harrison" - info (at)
Fell on my ***winter 2003, Canceled fusion April 6 2004
Reborn June 25th, 2004, L5-S1 ADR Charite in Boston
Founder & moderator of ADRSupport - 2004
Founder Arthroplasty Patient Foundation a 501(c)(3) - 2006
Creator & producer, Why Am I Still Sick? - 2012
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Old 11-02-2010, 12:43 PM
kruse1234 kruse1234 is offline
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Default Hoping new Ortho Doctor can help me.

Thanks for your concern and help. I have not got any answers yet. I found an Ortho Doctor at that the same hospital I had my neck fusion in May and I am seeing him on Nov. 10th. His name is Dr. David S. Raskas and all I know is that he does disc replacement so I am hoping he would be wiling to take mine out and just do a fusion if that is what he thinks would help me. The problem I am going to have is to find a Doctor where I live that would even be willing to attemp a difficult surgery. Even my neck surgion does not want to do it. I'm hoping to get some and I hope I won't have to suffer to long. Im on 120mg of avinza (up from 60) and most of the time it isn't adequate or sufficent in controlling the pain. My pain specialist doesn't want to try anything else and I know from 10 years of being under care of a few pain management Dr's that she could be doing more. So I called and made an emergency app. with the neck surgon to see if he understands the nature of the high degree of pain im experience at least give me something for breakthrough pain until I can get establish somewhere else.

Yes I do some searching here but I'm so uncomfratable i can't stay online to long (like right now). Maybe you can point me in the right direction. I was thinking that I might get some line on Dr's here and maybe there would be one that is close that has done revision surgeries.

Wish me luck!
P.S. what a mess
1996 - Started having tingling in left foot. MRI report DDD L3-S1,small herniation L5-S1. Disc bulge L3-L4 and L4-l5
2000 - diagnosed fybromyalgia,chronic pain
2001 - IDET l5-s1
2005 - neucleoplasty l4-l5
2005 - Charite III - disc replacement l5-s1
2005 - Diagnosed Failed Back Surgery Syndrome
2009 - Diagnosed with Ehlers Danlo Syndrome
2010 - Cervical fusion c5-c7
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Old 11-02-2010, 07:09 PM
Hooch Hooch is offline
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Gday mate, sorry you're going through this, you obviously know the system well and need a line on doctors experienced with revision, I'm in another country so can't help. Hopefully someone else will chime in.
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Old 11-08-2010, 01:03 PM
Sandra D Sandra D is offline
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Hi kruze, Sorry to hear about the problems you are having. I have been diagnosed with FBSS in April this year. I had a "Maverick" disc replacement at L5-S1 done in 2006. Although the initial back pain improved immediately after the surgery, I had a lot of muscular pain ever since. It feels as if I have run a marathon everyday of my life. About 8 months after, I started experiencing nerve pain down the legs, burning in feet and down the legs, pain in the tailbone and pelvis and severe muscle spasms, the same as before the surgery. This has not improved at all and the doctors now want to fuse at L3,L4 and L4,L5. They have also discussed removing the Maverick as there seems to be some migration towards the spinal cord. I have not made any decisions with regards to further surgeries as I am not sure which is the best way to proceed and am doing a lot of research. I would like to suggest a few things I have tried for pain relief in the hopes that it will help you.
Try sleeping with a soft pillow between your legs when sleeping on your side. The pillow should reach from the ankles to between the knees to straighten the spine. Move the pillow to below the knees when lying on your back(propping up the knees helps flatten the spine).
Walking in water is best and keeping in motion is important so walking on a treadmill (flat surface) also helps.
I find that lying with my legs up against a wall, with my butt as close to the wall flattens the spine and gets fluid into the area of the injury and brings some relief. Sitting is your worst enemy and I cannot sit for longer than 5 minutes or so without having to stand up or shift position. I am typing to you standing on my knees which is better than sitting.
Massage is great as it helps to relieve the tension that seems to occur in other parts of the body, due to holding the body unnaturally to compensate for the lower back pain.
I find accupuncture great for pain relief as pain killers make me feel ill ( I have been using anti-inflamatories and painkillers for too long now).
I am also trying "Scenar" therapy for nerve pain and it is bringing some relief. I will post again to you if I can think of anything else that may help. Best of luck to you.
Sandra D

2004 Fell and injured L3,L4,L5 fractured vertebra
2005 Sneezed and herniated L5/S1
2006 Maverick disc L5/S1 Surgery in South Africa
Initial relief but situation deteriorating

Updated Diagnosis - March 2010
Disc degeneration at L3/4 andL4/5
L5 Radicular Weakness
Left L4/5 foraminal disc
L4/5 Severe facet Joint disease
Bilateral sacroiliitis
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Old 07-15-2011, 04:04 AM
kruse1234 kruse1234 is offline
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Question Still looking for surgeon to take charite adr l5-s1 out and do fusion (revision)

Can someone offer any advice on what i am up againist if i have a charite revision sugery at the l5-s1 level. The doctor i was told to see is up in buffalo
Ny Dr. Andrew cappuccino. He was highly recommended by my neck surgeon.
This is a challange for me because i live in missouri and it would be a 13 hour drive to buffalo. Also their center does not except my secondary insurance. So i don't know if i can pull it off. If i drove there it would be very difficult do the constant pain i am in and riding in car is tuff. Anyhow i am trying to get some ideas on other qualified doctors that do revsion surgeries. If anyone know or has heard of a great surgeon could you post/email or notify me somehow thanks!

Update on condition:7/14/11 lumbar edidural,cervical fusion 1yr ago doing pretty good. Just low back and legs getting worse. Also on my latest cat scans show l4-l5 disc has a small protrusion and now i have disc bulge up to l2.
1996 - Started having tingling in left foot. MRI report DDD L3-S1,small herniation L5-S1. Disc bulge L3-L4 and L4-l5
2000 - diagnosed fybromyalgia,chronic pain
2001 - IDET l5-s1
2005 - neucleoplasty l4-l5
2005 - Charite III - disc replacement l5-s1
2005 - Diagnosed Failed Back Surgery Syndrome
2009 - Diagnosed with Ehlers Danlo Syndrome
2010 - Cervical fusion c5-c7
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Old 07-15-2011, 04:18 AM
Hooch Hooch is offline
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A number of people on this forum have had them taken out. I dont think anyone ends up pain free after that sort of surgery but some have had significant improvement.

The option is fuse it posteriorly and see if it helps or go in the front and take it out. You can't take it out from the side at that level. The risks are with all the scarring you get further nerve damage and apparently is risk of dying if you bleed out, major arteries there can be scarred down.

I cant help with doctors, I know Dr Regan has revised some, Pimenta in Brazil has done some.
Dec 2010 L4/L5 M6 L5/S1 ALIF
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charite artificial disc replacement, disc removal, disc replacement contrindication, lumbar adr, lumbar artificial disc replacement, revision

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